The End of 1st semester..!

14th of November 2008 - Friday

It was the last day of exhausting examination. Around noontime, it was over! The semester break has begun. I am free from that very moment on. It seemed extremely fascinating to me, even the scenery of my crying friends was a kind of happiness. I could smell my bed at my hometown. Crying friends? They cried because they did not expect the Grammar paper would as tough as that. Is it? It could be a contemporary ‘yes’. The terrible moment – of answering the questions – that I had suffered from has gone away. Why should I mind this terrifying history? After my fantasies of my agonizing weeks had had a plenty of time to ripen, I ended up with a journey to go home. I went to Alia’s house as her mother fetched with her new Proton Saga car, quite well-designed. The traffic was as slow as a little newborn kitten walking blindly to find its mother. Well, we reached at Alia’s house in the quite late evening. I was served spaghetti – cooked by Alia’s mother – and kuey teuw kerang (a kind of noodles) bought at the nearest stall. After eating, I found my stomach had filled with the two delicious meals – which were quite foreign to me. After maghrib (7.50p.m.), Alia and her mother took me to Section 17 Bus Terminal. Then, I thankfully gave a farewell and verbal appreciation to Alia and her mother. It was raining gracefully. The first drops hit me like snows, and in the meanwhile I was as cold as I had fallen into a pool at Antarctic. I walked on my way to find the bus which I supposed to check in. Oh, dear me! I hardly found it although I had asked the girl at a Transnasional ticket counter twice. The girl was mad at me and commanded to find the bus myself. What an awful service! I checked all the busses, but where was actually mine? Finally, I noticed a bus at the very front of other busses. But, was it? Although it was blue – such colour is rarely found among Transnasional busses – I just went near. Suddenly two men asked me whether I was finding 208 Trip – code name of my bus. I answered straight away, “Yes!”. To my lucky, I found it! They (two drivers) had been waiting for me, the last passenger who had not checked in, for a few minutes. Oh, I was so blessed to find the bus before the worse incident might occur. If I had missed the bus; I would cry, begging a unicorn to come from nowhere and send me home. What a relief!

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